
We will be camping at council camp ground which is few hundred metres from club, think there is a private caravan park closer but have not checked them out.
The council caretaker said they do not turn people away and it will be busy as it's Easter but we will have to leave trailers outside camp ground.

You can get phone numbers on Lake Cootharaba website for accomodation.
The state A class titles are on as well in conjunction with the all boats regatta so there will be a sizeable fleet.

I sailed at Cleveland today with my 2 boys and all went well so we were three up. It was a great day on the water.
Have included a photo of boat plus my two crew.

That would be great if you are going to Cootharaba at Easter.

Where are you sailing over next few weekends?



Cheers, Drew

Drew........Furr_ball........Mosquito 1635