I have sailed with my GF's 7 year old 2 times this month. She did enjoy it, but i had to be extra sensitive to her needs. be sure to have a dry bag with warm cloths for the kids. Even in 90* sun, she got cold in the afternoon and started crying.

Be sure the kids will listen, behave, and sit still (at least not jump around). If they can't... they shouldn't sail. You NEVER know when the weather can change... *quickly and they MUST be responsible enough to listen to the skipper.

Perhaps practice a few times (capsize) with the wife first... make sure she is comfy with it.. then the kids.

I think a raft is not a good idea.. everyone should stay with the cat... and you wont have time to inflate a raft...

My friend has a 6 year old. She has been around the water and cats all her life.. and she is very calm and still on the boat. He is VERY safe, careful, and basically she calls most of the shots.. if she wants to go in (home)... they do. if she wants to sail with a hull up... they do. he does everything he can to make sure its fun for her... I expect her to win Gold in 2020 olympics! smile