On the committee boat there were quite a lot of flags. On its port side it was flying:

- A red flag (leave marks to port)
- A yellow flag (start line marker) with a black flag (don't mess with the starts!) under it.

On the starboard side:

- A blue flag (In position at the finish line)
- A club burgee

Class flags (numerals 1 to 5, so ours was blue/yellow) and the preparatory flag were flown on the port side as well.

Simple really. And all explained in the SI which were available on the table upstairs where you have signed in on Saturday, as well as pinned to the official notice board next to the office in the wet bar.

On the start before our third start the Pro started two classes (start 3 and 4) at the same time by stacking the two numerals. She did it because there was only two boats on start 3 and they were both gone back ashore at that point. A couple of 49ers didn't notice and came screaming under spi from the other end of the reservoir. They started a couple of minutes late, during our sequence.