Harry, yes, you can have a direction and distance change at the same time.

Don't get hung up on rotating, etc. While that does apply to 90% of our racing on "circle" courses, it will screw you up in a point-to-point race (although this is rarely used).

The direction of the change is to starboard (right) if you imagine standing on the mark where the signal is being made, and looking at the location of the new mark (vs the old location).

Having said all of that, I wholeheartedly agree with Matt, and have been saying this for at least 5 years (and PU has been saying it longer). It really is just this simple: When you see the change flag, go to the new mark. Especially since most of our racing is on windward/leeward courses, just look upwind (in the new wind), that's where the new upwind mark should be.
