First, I'm not interested or affected by the outcome. I'm not even questioning how it was derived or whether it was right or wrong. I'm no longer an HCA member and I no longer sail an F18.

While I agree that the underlying premise of the thread was probably to incite an emotion, I don't see anything that was not factual about it other than perhaps a misunderstanding about the inner workings of the HCA organization and the remote possibility that the findings of the bylaw committee may not be the final word.

I'm NOT taking any stance with regard to the outcome or how it was derived.

What I do find distasteful is the notion that such findings and ruling should be kept private for the sole reason that the people that made them don't have to suffer criticism. That's not how public democratic organizations should work. Publicly chastising the messenger instead of dealing with the message is also poor form.

There's too much emotion in here...Jake out.

Jake Kohl