Originally Posted by Mary
Originally Posted by Wouter
There are over 20 different Hobie classes.

Maybe in Europe, but not in the U.S.

There's like 1-3/4 in the US. Whether this is Hobie's fault or not I can not say, but in a sport that is damn near dead this is the reality. We're a minority, within a minority, within a minority, (sailing, then those who actually race). I can't identify what it was that brought 100+ boats to average weekend regatta's, but I know sure as sh!t that those people don't exist any longer. Hell, I'm not sure I'd even participate if regatta's were that big. I'm seriously uncomfortable around that many people, and I'm prone to going hostile. Leave me in a big group for too long, I turn violent. Anybody who knows me will attest to this. Anyway, I don't think Hobie US neccessarily agrees with HCE and many fronts. HCE produces alot of bastard boats, I'm sure there is models that have to have the dust knocked off the molds just so they can build one.

The point is we need to bring in the people by whatever means neccessary, and not turning them away. I'm not sure this applies to inviting or working our way into typical events, but maybe thats a good solution for bringing people back in as well. Hosting a regatta with 10-15 boats is pathetic looking. I didn't realize this until recently. People are generally dumb, and are sheep, they'll do whatever everbody else is doing. Seeing something popular, makes it more so, and vice-versa(sp). This isn't neccessarily along the lines of the F18 debate, but the sport has been on the decline for a long time. Did the Hobie only rule at Hobie regatta's have an effect? And if so, did that change have a negative impact on the sport as a whole? Did that drive down the sales numbers for the very factory that supports those classes?

I really do love this sport, it has been my genisis in life. I've made some good friends. I've started to see the edges of being able to do it well, and that is really gratifying. I hope I don't see the end of it coming as well, because I'm not going to bother when its me and 3 other dopes sitting on an imaginary line waiting for a whistle.

I'm not actually allowed to post in this thread, and I'm sorry for doing so. The person I'm talking to knows who they are.