My .02

Dear Mr. Jobson:

This is in response to the survey I received from US Sailing last evening. I was dismayed to find no reference to catamarans in your survey or any reference to as a source of information related to catamaran sailing.

I am aware that USS offers many services to the sailing community at large. Excluding catamarans from recognition is a disservice. This exclusion undermines your service mission and re-enforces the sentiment of many that USS wishes to exclude catamarans from the greater sailing community all together.

I believe I speak for a great many catamaran sailors in saying this: the service we value most from USS is the Alter Cup and its regional qualifiers. I will continue to support the Alter Cup and urge others to do so as well, but this latest survey won’t make that task any easier.


Pete Pollard
President Pro Tem
USF16 Class Association
U.S. Sailing member #389784T

Pete Pollard
Blade 702

'When you have a lot of things to do, it's best to get your nap out of the way first.