Originally Posted by NorthernWave
Finally, (to Mimi) I still don't think I have figured out how to get the word “stranger” off my profile. I'll post this and see.

Everyone has a title within the forum. You will notice the title below the Display Name in each post. Some titles are automatically assigned based on the number of posts a user has made, and some titles are assigned by the forum owner to denote official representatives of the company or other VIPs in the forums.

0 stranger25 newbie50 journeyman100 member200 enthusiast400 addict700 old hand1200 veteran1600 Pooh-Bah2500 Carpal Tunnel

Jack Woehrle
Hobie Wave #100, Tiger Shark III
HCA-NA 5022-1
USSailing 654799E
Alachua FL/Put-In-Bay