
but would my signature be considered "racist" too? Or is it ok to bash on a white boy? Is it ok if I have a bunch of white friends?

Is it OK to bash a white boy?... ... Hey you can bash me all you want..... we are on equal footing and we have the same stature and power in society.

Now... change your tag line to "Texas Redneck George Bush" ... and you have established the power disparity between Rednecks and "Regular civilized" people and that is offensive (but not "racist" in American discourse)

"That Hawaiian Barack Husein Obama is debating that Mormon Mitt Romney in a few months followed by that Cuban Marco Rubio who will battle that Catholic Joe Biden." This is a racial and stereotyped characterization that communicates in a particular way..... (mostly about the writer)!

On the offensive scale.... where does it rank??? Mildly offensive?
Consider if I changed Hawaiian to the usual Muslim mis- characterization of Obama.

Now you ring the very offensive racist bell in the American culture because in American history... the black muslims of the 60's were anti american anarchist/ radical blah blah blah....(a powerless minority of a minority that you can demonize) and of course the idea is to dog whistle to your fellow travelers that Obama is a black racist anti American socialist traitor, potential terroist and illegitimate president.

Your idea that there is "a double standard" in this game of slurs is a fig leaf for you that tries to minimize or excuse the first slur..... these slurs are just ignorant descriptions of power relationships in American culture.

Why we tolerated them for so long is not an excuse. Props to Jake for pointing out something I have overlooked forever and bacho for deleting his tag line.
