H17Racer, you have begun a discussion on a valuable component - sailing and streaming. Check out the pro surfing event in Brazil that begins May 8 and add that in with current media (cable and satellite - TV sports broadcasting http://wctbrasil.com/rio13 for comparison with sailing commentary. For a background check go to www.aspworldtour.com.

Surfing is way ahead of sailing in this business of sports broadcasting and overall production. They are now presenting live surfing events around the world, and one reason they are able to accomplish that is by employing past surfing greats as commentators. Sailing is now on the threshold thanks to GJ.

The last America's Cup featured Gary working with Randy Smyth. I know that from watching a couple matches from the bar at St. Petersburg Yacht Club after the RComm cancelled racing for that day. I do not believe Randy ever left his house for that one. I can confirm that when I see him next week.

Last edited by catandahalf; 04/20/13 12:57 PM.