
I think there's some confusion here...What I call a strut, I thin some call a pelican striker. I've always thought a dolphin striker points down toward the water while a pelican striker points upwards...is this wrong?
Anyhow, the Tornado runs stays from bridle tangs to the mid pole at bottom end of strut. In the picture I showed, these stays are the light brown vectran line below the bridle stays (stainless). There is only one other pair of pole stays, from the bow tips to the end of the pole (again using vectran). There is no stay from the main beam.

I see the strut you mention but I don't see the pelican striker below or the steel stays that run from the bridal tang to the tip of the spin pole. My pole has four stays as well as the forward trap that wraps around the stays from the main beam to tighten/support/limit movement of the pole at the inetrsection of the bridal strut and pelican striker below.

I guess it depends on the spin size [615, 742, or 450 sq ft furling code zero] for the boat regarding all the stays [2 from main beam, two from bridal tang to forward tip plus forward tramp].


Mike Dobbs
Tornado CAN 99 "Full Tilt"