
I don't know why the Tornado guys did it. I hear they changed nothing to the bridle height so I guess the answer must be found somewhere in points 2 to 5

Marstrom Tornado's are built with some millimeters toe-out, so when you crank the main sheet, the pressure on the forestay straightens the hulls. I think it was 7 mm, but I'm not quite sure.

Marstrom used to have som PDF's on their web site from Multihulls Magazine about their building process, but it looks like they are removed on the new site.

I have never seen a Tornado with any kind of dolphin striker or compression strut on the bowsprit. When the 'sport' rig was introduced, one of the big issues was that no rebuilding was neccesary. You could just add the neccesary equipment and go. (Nevermind all the old non-Marstrøm platforms that could not take the strain of the bigger sail area).