Yo so I was the guy in the H16 at the mark. Firstly I want to say sorry to Terry, I totally didn't mean to clip your rudder coming out of that gybe. I sail catamarans like twice a year at most, so the gybing thing where you have to throw the tiller off the back of the boat and pass it around the mainsheet... Im not used to that. And the wave hitting us at the same time didnt help either.

I knew I was performing an agressive maneuver there. Because how close the mark was to the beach and because H16's don't point well, we wanted to get inside at the mark so we could tack out at our first opportunity. Thats why we did an early gybe and came in on starboard in the first place.

After the contact I didnt know if I was in the right or the wrong. Thats why I yelled protest like 3 times. What I learned from college sailing is that whoever yells "protest" the quickest, loudest, and most confidently, normally coerces the other boat into doing turns first. So yeah. Sorry about that.

Nice to meet you all by the way. Ive never been on here before.

Last edited by Joel Hurley; 08/22/14 02:31 PM.