Without a protest hearing, there is no finding of fact, so without getting into that, allow me to propose another "take-away".

If a boat entitled to room or mark-room by rule 18, 19, or 20 breaks rule 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, or 31 (the basic right-of-way rules, acquiring r-o-w, changing course, and touching a mark) while sailing within that room (or mark-room), then she is exonerated under rule 21. If that boat is not entitled to room or mark-room, or if she is sailing beyond the room (or mark-room) to which she is entitled, then she does not receive exoneration.

Therefore, a boat may maneuver within the mark-room she deserves, but may not take more room than that.

I hope that helps,
US Sailing Judge,
Chair, SAYRA Appeals Committee