Originally Posted by P.M.
Take this crap to SA (PA). You would be more welcome there.

Originally Posted by Todd_Sails
crap? Either you are one of the many uninformed voters, you don't vote and don't care, or you do and have sour grapes.
Which is it?

Let Todd flog his dog while typing with the other hand. Reality will soon set in and he'll be back to spraying his monitor with spittle with the caps lock key fully engaged.

Control of Congress doesn’t grant absolute power and in many cases, it will shift the divide, not eliminate it. The Senate’s procedural rules that require 60 votes for most legislation, as well as the presence of Obama in the White House, will limit what Republicans can do.

Obama can veto any bill, and it would take two-thirds of the members in both chambers to override him. If the president maintains support among congressional Democrats, Republicans will have to negotiate with him rather than stampede over him.

The veto is the key: Senate Republican leadership will undoubtedly face pressure from Ted Cruz and his minions to pursue reconciliation and perhaps even eliminate the filibuster, steps that would allow Senate Republicans to easily pass legislation with a simple majority. But even if they get their way, they can't change the fact that President Obama wields the veto pen and without assembling a two-thirds majority in both chambers, they won't be able to override his vetoes.

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