Good analogy, Tami.
<br>Don't let your analogous vision rule your interpretation of facts tho...
<br>The 'wall' in your analogy is Afganistan, not my kitchen. Afgx is itself more complex than a name, implying merely another country, implies. It is a war-torn hell, an amalgam of peoples, ideals and even religions. It is also a symbol, now, to ordinary Muslims elsewhere.
<br>So, your 'wal' is simultaneously giving to the 'fly' a) shelter and cover b)real physical danger. the 'wall' is capable of responding to the 'hammer' with outrage, fear, welcome, tamwork, grim resolve to endure, you-name-it.
<br>Meanwhile, the walls of the living room, bedroom and foyer are responding to the noise in the kitchen, each in different ways... some of which were predicted by the fly in his published manifesto's.
<br>Finally, it's most important to remember that if you ignore the fly, he will puke in your food and give you diseases anyway, for that's the nature of a fly.
<br>The mere fact that catching and eliminating this particular pest is usually an energy-inefficient exercise doesn't make it automatically a good idea to let him continue his ugliness unmolested.
<br>If the pursuit of the fly is a tad rough on the kitchen, well, a) we're trying to keep it as neat as possible, and b) the kitchen invited the fly, then refused to make our job easier.
<br>Ed Norris<br><br>

Sail Fast, Ed Norris