Note that, in this article, the Cleric denounces the Taleban as being responsible for the bombing, while not endorsing the bombing itself.
<br> "Bombing embassies or destroying non-military installations like the World Trade
<br>Center is no jihad," Qadri said, and "those who launched the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks
<br>not only killed thousands of innocent people in the United States but also put the
<br>lives of millions of Muslims across the world at risk."
<br> "Now the Americans are killing Afghans ... they may go for other targets too. Who
<br>knows how many innocent Muslims will be killed because of those terrorists who attacked
<br>the World Trade Center?"
<br> While urging the United States to stop its airstrikes in Afghanistan, Qadri held
<br>the Taliban rulers responsible "for the death of hundreds of innocent Afghans."
<br> The Taliban, he said, should have handed over bin Laden and other suspected terrorists
<br>to the United Nations or any other neutral international organization before the airstrikes
<br>began. "They can still do it and save their country from further destruction," he
<br>said. "

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Sail Fast, Ed Norris