Hi all,
thought Mikes intro was a good idea here's mine.

I am 44 y.o. started sailing at 5 y.o., racing my own boat at 7 y.o. sailed fist cat at 13 y.o. Have sailed everything from 8' to 60' spent most of my time on mono's but cats are catching up now. Started sailboarding in 1980 and still have 5 in a trailer that see light of day occasionaly.

Am totaly addicted to speed have been sailing assymetric spinnakers on multis for at least 8 years, can't stand sailing without the wind blowing in my face, find it difficult now to sail boats that don't work apparent wind. Currently own only one boat Altered oneup F16. F16 has totaly reinvigorated my interest in sailing just can't get enough of it, drive my friends and family mad talking about it and of course posting on the forum.

I love racing and will travel anywhere for a reggatta, often 8 hrs. for a weekend. Have driven 20 hrs. for a 3 day reggatta. I live in regional Victoria on one of the best lakes to sail on in OZ, but there are not alot of other cats around lucky if we get 4 sailing at once. Closest city is Melbourne 3&1/2 hours away, some clubs there have 20+ cats racing regularly.

Regards Gary.