It has become quite fashionable to piss on the French. I don't really understand why. They have been a the bedrock of many great things. From Trias politica to movie pictures. From the complete fundamental mathetics to the principle of humanism. They do have their quirks and they have gotten some great help along the line for some brilliant Germans and Russians but they have not much to be ashamed about. And loudest voices bashing the French are often the ones with remarkable humble backgrounds themselfs.

It seems to me that a new wind of even greater arrogance is blowing around the globe lately.

Sure the French can be elistist and arrogant but on the other hand they got heaps to justify that and it must never be forgotten that they often are THAT good. Especially in sailing as Bruno Peyron has proven once again beyond a shadow of doubt.

I personally quite thankful for the SI system and anybody still prefering the Imperal system is living in the dark ages as far as I'm concerned. I mean how many order 20 fingertips of tubing. (which finger do you use ?)


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands