Hi Rolf -

As noted previously ,it is a mistake to place too much faith in the EU press that form your US bias opinions conversely,

Maxist speak --ambiguous langueage ,--as pointed out as contained in the EU constitution that was voted down by FR people -Dutch people ,--and now not being bothered with by voting in the UK on it ,-is a leftover deficet from that idealism and age .
Reference to 60s McCarthyism seems the same ,--the reverse is more often true today .
thanks --appreciate the sailing invitation -hope to someday ,-sailing is a wonderfull universal that all share the joy of reguarless of extent of socialist idealism etc .
I,ve met so many people from different nations sailing --icluding a team from the former soviet union that entered the 87 Worrell 1000 --I still have a T shirt from them we traded . It has a large CCCP on it ,--though would not ever wear it and comprehend what it represented in human suffering .
People are just people --from all over the globe .
My perspective is admittedly small on EU as a whole .
In my high school years we had an exchange student from the formner Ugoslavia live with us -from Skopjopi Masadonia ,-who became an emergency doctor and lifelong friend ,-past away a few years ago ,-and who also sent his sons here locally to study a generation latter. -
Great experience in life , one I value greatly,-and highly recommend .

I,ve seen over decades through him how damaging it was to live under an oppressive govt, and how he changed over decades ,-Of course when Marshal Tito died and Soviet union collapsed all hell broke loose as Boschco said it would and human genocide began in the region ,--on Europes doorstep .
It seems EU or the UN did little at the time--it was a talk talk debate debate as people died by the thousands policy-

When another EU poster describes themselves as
{{noble fencers }} who look at conflict and evaluate it is rather difficult . There was nothing noble about this . One good thing Clinton did finally do was to instruct Gen. Clark to intervein --but only areal bombing to stop it --which he did for 76 straight days ,--then was fired by Clinton .--
It seems then as now supposed UN peacekeepers simply turned their back on more genocide ,-- The worse aspect of this is more of the same occuring now in other regions .

Ive seen the damage -government entities and agents do -often without being held accountable .
Corruption in oil for food is something EU and the UN will have to be accountable for if they wish to have any credibilty left.

Comparing the S U with Chiracs FR is not comperable --granted -though Chirac is currently on his way out and very unpopular with the FR people as is his choise of successor equaly unpopular --Sincerely hope they change and the FR peoples voice is heard over its elitist govt.

On Kyoto --lets see --pass green legislation --agree to it --then don,t bother with it --use it to pompusly criticize and presume to lecture the US FOR NON COMPLIANCE --then hypocritically don,t bother yourself to meet the terms of it you agreed to or comply yourself ??,
Arnold in Calif is doing much the same currently having just passed green legislation for Calif beyond Kyoto goals but not taking effect until 08 and beyond ----guess he,s taken some doublespeak ques from EU as it can not be realistaly met either . I prefer an honest realistic approach rather than false pretence anytime.

As noted all people have the right to choose to live a socialistic existance --acedemia allows this -large labor unions -govt.employment and large corp allow this same sence of employment benifits in a larger entity --People also need the right to basic freedoms and human rights including their own in a free open marketplace -The larger point is that this is the priority in structuring govt policy that has proven through time to benifit all people best .-Freedom to choose -basic human rights and FREEDOM -

This ideal -belief exemplified ,-as per numerous free nations globally ,formerly under oppresive regimes and govt .now free to self consentual govt and basic human rights and freedom .

The cost of this is high ,-correct Rolf,--but the alternative seems much worse , The US CONTINUES to support free nations globally since World War 2 ---
think yours benifitted from this as well and continues to --correct

Last edited by sail6000; 06/11/05 01:32 PM.