The Hobie Class and manufacturers are walking a tightrope between maintaining one-design Hobie Class racing and a competitive Formula 18 class boat. So far it is working with a few grumbles here and there.
The Tiger class adopts gradual class rule changes, thereby slowing development to an acceptable pace for Tiger Class sailors. This means that Tiger class sailors get more than one season out of their sails etc. The Tigers which compete at F18 events are usually stock standard class-legal Tigers but sometimes they carry the latest prototype gear from the Hobie R and D team. At this year's F18 worlds, USA Nats and Aussie F18 Nats, the top Tigers were Hobie class legal boats equipped with stock standard equipment available to everyone at the time.
Sometimes the HCat Europe team uses the F18 Worlds as a test for new ideas. The Hobie Class does not always adopt these latest developments.
Anyway Wouter, we don't really care what you think!

Mal Gray
Vice President Aust F18
Member IHCA Rules Committee