I was beginning to wonder where you had gone Carl

I think equalization rules are out of scope for a box rule. It complicates matters a lot, but doesnt neccesarily level the playing field. Differences in weight between crews are compensated by different sailcuts in the Tornado class, seems to work well there. I dont think this boats will be underpowered, so it should be possible here as well.

I am a bit ambivivalent on a minimum weight, as I would like the most boats to be able to measure in. More boats are always fun, we need as many as possible if this shall fly. The other side of the matter is making the boats affordable. Marstrøm's boats are perfectly engineered, autoclaved, pre-preg wonders with super-low weight, but horribly expensive.
Having a sensible minimum weight, that allows homebuilders to build plywood boats and manufactures to build without autoclaves and pre-preg's sounds like a good idea to me. The critera is that the boats still should be light enough to have high performance.

I suggest 130Kg's as minimum weight. I have recieved confirmations from competent persons that this is suited both for plywood construction and manufacturing for a boat with jib/mainsail.

If a boat is below minimum weight, corrector weights fixed to the mainbeam should be allowed to solve that.

I think minimum boat weight and a sensible spi-area is all that is needed.

I dont have the faintest idea how many boats will race and be buildt under these rules, but it should be interesting nontheless (I have some plans about a project boath).