Hey John, Jonathan Grant here. I recently purchase a P19 that already had the roller furling setup on it. The drum, from what I understand, was a Hobie 18 drum. You released the line and it furled on is own. I had to replace it because when you released it would not furl all of the way. I bought a new drum and swivel from Alan Thompson. You pretty much pull the line the furl and release and sheet in the jib to unfurl it. Seems pretty slick. The only problem was the upper pigtail was swagged into the swivel, so I can not replace it. Because the drums were different I had to actually had to use two chain plates to get some mast rake. I am also going to replace my rigging real soon here. Seems like the guy Andrew knows, might just work. I had to run a 6" line to keep the jib down to keep that slot open. I know what you mean, by you want something you can pretty much just "bolt right on." About the spinnaker, I am lost there unfortunately. Seeing Andrew's pictures on the open forum, makes me want to add on. Patience is a virue, they say. Let me know if I can be off any more assitance. Jonathan Grant