I agree that competition is good but, let’s face it - we already have enough of the “Hobie vs. Nacra” kinda thing and it rarely seems to be constructive or good for the sport.

I think it just bothers me more than others.

I know what your saying. I think were all pretty much sick of that topic, but at the time there were other reasons why that subject was so negative (and Im NOT trying to bring that subject back up).

With the F18 class, Id like to think that everyone could move past the old gripes.

Still haven't read a compelling arguement to move the results away from the teams and more to the platform. To only base your purchase on where a boat places in the results could leave you hanging. As with any purchase you have to do your homework. Results are good, but there are so many more things you have to consider. Things like mast stiffness, sail cut and even one type of boat could fit your sailing style better than another. Non of these things are going to appear in the results! Let's also not forget there are generations of boats, which will not appear in the results either.

This is a fleet about the fleet for the fleet let's keep it that way.

As for the NASCAR anology, about the only thing chevy in the chevy team car is the sticker on the hood and the logo on the team uniform.

David Ingram
F18 USA 242

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
"Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent" - Two sista's I overheard in the hall
"You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a complete idiot, but it helps"