I know there are a fair number of A-Cats in Texas, I just do not know where they are. This is an extremly easy boat to set up. I have a friend who takes his girlfriend with him on the boat.

Formula 18 is a great choice, but takes a bit more to rig than you insinuated that you would like to go through. I sail a Tiger and really like it, very exhilarating. I know there is a pretty nice group of sailors there. I can put you in contact with them if you like.

The other boats you mentioned are for day sailing or Portsmouth racing mostly, except for the Hobie 16. The 16 still races in most of the country as a large enough fleet to be one design. These other boats will be cheap if you are trying to save money. Any of the other boats, used, will be in the $8000 to $13,000 range.

Formula 16 seems to fit what you would like to do, but they are hard to find in the US. You would also be racing Portmouth anywhere in the US. It seems to be slow at catching on.

If you are buying new I would pick it based on the fleet that is around you, presuming you will be buying to race.
