I'm gonna second da Flumpmeister. Go try different boats and see what you like.

Sorry Doug, but the Hobie 17 would be a very bad choice since the guy says he wants to sail w/his girlfriend. H17 is NOT, I repeat NOT, a weight carrier. Speaking from direct observation. That, and I think that Doug has the only H17 in the whole Gulf area. Wait, there's one more, come to think. If you were in Tennessee or in New York, that would be a different story.

Personally, I'd love to see you get an 18 Square - we're working on building a fleet, they're cheap, they are good for wild weather, you can carry weight and still go pretty well, simple, singlehand. They do have the wide beam which gives trailering issues, but I have a tilting rack trailer which makes it all very easy.

Go try different boats. Really.

sea ya
NACRA 18 Square "Vileine"
F27GS "Boudicca"