You are making error regarding F18 rules

-1- mast height is limited in the F18 class rules (to 9.15 mtr to be precise)
-2- SCHRS does not rate daggerboard area, only it aspect ratio (as I wrote earlier in a different post)

For these two reasons alone your example is wrong. As a matter of fact by having small boards you can NOT get a slower handicap at all. Actually you get a handicap that is rather too fast for our boat, the one that is accurate for a design with normal sized boards.

Scooby, please forgive me but research the matter more thoroughly before making baseless statements. You are only creating wild rumours and correcting these obvious errors in your reasoning is simply a waste of time of the others.

So please, study the class rules of F18/tornadp class and others and investigate how SCHRS (and other systems) really work internally.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands