It's interesting to read that the majority of cat sailors in some areas are older. I can attest that sailors in general around here are older. I don't know any cat sailors here but I see a couple on the lake now and then.
The earlier point about PWCs replacing cats wholesale makes a lot of sense, ski boats probably contribute also. I think access and storage is also a problem. On a recent trip back to my old stomping grounds on Barnegat Bay, NJ, I saw that the place I kept my Tornado was now off-limits to cats. It used to cost $10 a year to keep a cat there, now it can't be had at any price.
In the FL Keys last March I was hoping to take my wife out on a cat since she'd never been on one. I went through every boat and toy rental company in the yellow pages and could not find a single place to rent one. Plenty of jet skis though. Very disappointing.
At any rate, if the price of gas keeps going up we may see new sailors coming out of the woodwork.