It is correct that melting of floating sea ice will do little to raise sea levels. The problem is mostly the huge glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica. These are supported by land above sea level. From what I have read, if those melted completely the resulting sea level rise would be on the order of 200 feet. What has some climatologists worried is the Greenland glaciers are now moving much faster than expected.

Gore's dumb butt movie has filled more eco nuts with hope. He said that if all the ice in just greenland were to melt it would make the oceans rise 20 feet. Go get an atlas, a piece of paper, and a caclulator. The ice would have to cover ALL, not 80% of Greenland, and have to be 40,000 feet thick to make this happen. Figure the volume of the ice, divide it out over the surface area of the oceans, thats what it would take.

I'm boatless.