My vote is if we get 10 or more F18s then we should race as our own fleet. It is our mid-winters and we should be scored as our own fleet. Also, I'm not sure if a separate start is required for the race to count for our class rankings (Ding - any idea?).

My thinking is that if you want to race with the F18s then get an F18.

I'm not a fan of Portsmouth racing and prefer to avoid it as much as possible. That is a big reason I race an F18, because we typically get good turnout of boats.

Now, if F16s want to race straight up then maybe I could be talked into that.

One problem with clumping boats of different speeds into a single start is that you may have fewer starts, but you end up waiting longer for everyone to finish.

What freaking Olli said!

I'll have to check with Tracie about the scoring I suspect that might be an issue.

David Ingram
F18 USA 242

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
"Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent" - Two sista's I overheard in the hall
"You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a complete idiot, but it helps"