
And what accent might you and Wouter be speaking if the Americans didn't pop into WW2 against popular opinion again ?

Well, I'd speak my native language - Russian, and a little English I've been taught in high school, nothing changes for me. Wouter, probably, would know Russian too, besides his excellent English, which is a good thing; an extra language helps to see a bigger picture.


I lost family in WW2 because the European countries let each other get rolled one by one instead of working as one community.

I lost long list of relatives because my native country didn’t allow to get rolled, and soldiers of that country put red flag on top of Reichstag in may 1945. I remember my granddad's war stories about french air brigades, fighting as part of Red army. So, I really don’t see how Americans popping up into war after 6 years of fighting could change outcome of war. It definitely changed outcome of peace after war, but it’s another story, right?
And yeah, lendlease was a good thing, best Russian pilots were rewarded with American airplanes
Canned meat wasn’t that good, though

Last edited by Vladimir; 01/26/07 03:10 AM.