| The media IS the Democraptic party! #283679 10/24/16 05:25 PM 10/24/16 05:25 PM |
Joined: Jul 2001 Posts: 2,844 42.904444 N; 88.008586 W Todd_Sails OP
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 2,844 42.904444 N; 88.008586 W | Did you hear the news today?
Of course not- the mainstream media IS the democraptic party, and wont publish/discuss it.
The WSJ DID however.
** Remember when the FBI director went on Natl TV, and made the case like he WAS going to prosecute Billary, and then near the very of the speech- said yea, it was wrong, it was criminal, but we're not prosecuting?
Well guess what? Read the WSJ article! He was BOUGHT OFF - BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ironhead, et. al.- I"m voting for the lesser of two evils (Trump is not evil), and the choice is clear to me, how could it not be to anyone else? And if it's not, the yare NOT using pure logic.
This isn't hearsay, these are facts. So many of them- facts- on how corrupt and criminal The Billary machine is. Pull your heads out, pull your heads out That anyone other than the VERY corrupt, or the VERY uninformed, would vote for this excuse for a shemale.
It's about AMERICA!!
And BTW- I do currently vote for democraps with go fiscal values, who are not corrupt. Case in point- our current County Sheriff, and the current current County executive, both Democraps, and I"ve voted for them both in two elections
F-18 Infusion #626- SOLD it!
'Long Live the Legend of Chris Kyle'
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283684 10/25/16 01:47 AM 10/25/16 01:47 AM |
Joined: Jun 2009 Posts: 524 Petten Netherlands northsea junkie
Joined: Jun 2009
Posts: 524 Petten Netherlands | I"m voting for the lesser of two evils (Trump is not evil), and the choice is clear to me, how could it not be to anyone else? And if it's not, the yare NOT using pure logic. It's about AMERICA!!
Well, use your logic Todd. Trump is a pathalogical psychopath with a very simple body-language. Watch his eyes shutting tight when he is obviously lying. Here on the other side of the ocean it is evident to all of us!
ronald RAIDER-15 (homebuilt)
hey boy, what did you do over there, alone far out at sea?.. "huh....., that's the only place where I'm happy, sir.
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283685 10/25/16 06:02 AM 10/25/16 06:02 AM |
Joined: Jul 2001 Posts: 2,844 42.904444 N; 88.008586 W Todd_Sails OP
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Jul 2001
Posts: 2,844 42.904444 N; 88.008586 W | On other forums too, I hear this kind of crap from people who are not in the USA, and won't even be voting. Nice to see your media is also libtard too. OH wait, you can still vote democratic if you're not legal to do so, millions of others are! Hillary is a criminal, thought bought off the FBI director- and you're more worried about Trump squinting? I used to like you
F-18 Infusion #626- SOLD it!
'Long Live the Legend of Chris Kyle'
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283686 10/25/16 08:32 AM 10/25/16 08:32 AM |
Joined: Feb 2004 Posts: 144 Near SLC, Utah tomthouse
Joined: Feb 2004
Posts: 144 Near SLC, Utah | I'm concerned not only about how is it, that out of all the possibilities in the US, these are the two choices we now have. The problems include the presidency we are voting for. It also includes the congress, and the electorate that is uninformed or keeps voting them in, not voting at all or voting for "free stuff" that always has a price somewhere. Our national debt is out of control, our money has only to “good faith of the US” to back it. The future should be at least as interesting as the past. I hope we can learn from history and make better choices personally, locally and nationally. If not we are doomed to go down the same path and hope in vain for a different result. Europe, the Middle East, China is changing, the world is changing and we are repeating problems that are well documented in history. Hang on, the best and worst is still ahead.
Last edited by tomthouse; 10/25/16 08:34 AM.
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283687 10/25/16 08:39 AM 10/25/16 08:39 AM |
Joined: Jun 2009 Posts: 524 Petten Netherlands northsea junkie
Joined: Jun 2009
Posts: 524 Petten Netherlands | I know you used to like me. Thank you.
I like you too and still do. But that's exactly the reason to speek out freely about my observations. I know you are a hard-boiled Republican, like many other members on this board. And that's completely fine with me.
Never fight over politics and religion with people you like, is a wise adagium. But don't be silent!
My critics concerns the man and not the party which he stands for. And yes, because America belongs to the powerfull states of the world, I have fears when you choose a lunatic as president.
ronald RAIDER-15 (homebuilt)
hey boy, what did you do over there, alone far out at sea?.. "huh....., that's the only place where I'm happy, sir.
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283688 10/25/16 08:57 AM 10/25/16 08:57 AM |
Joined: Dec 2001 Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL waterbug_wpb
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Dec 2001
Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL | Perhaps I misread your post (as is typical for me)?
Because someone doesn't drink the same kool-aide as you do, they are no longer your friend? Seems a little harsh....
I drink plenty of kool-aide myself, but I'd rather debate a particular idea rather than a person... Maybe I'm senile, but I find it hard to believe that someone who doesn't share my particular ideology will NEVER have a good idea, be able to contribute to society, or will forever be designated as sub-human...
Regardless of your particular position, I am glad that you are exercising your right to vote. In this election I believe every vote is needed. Not just for the top of the ticket. I think the down-ballot votes are possibly even more important.
I am supervising a polling location, and I see the layers of security to protect votes. At least in my state, it would appear that while voting irregularities may indeed occur, it would take a monumental effort to "rig" the vote. Our state does use paper ballots as a backup to the electronic vote(s) and require photo/signature ID. In addition, each political party will have designated monitors at each polling location who can contest voters/ballots. Having this sort of coordinated activity to disrupt an entire state's vote go undetected seems very unlikely.
I cannot speak for other states and how they operate their voting system. Most of this was the result of the train-wreck that was the Gore/Bush election.
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: tomthouse]
#283689 10/25/16 09:04 AM 10/25/16 09:04 AM |
Joined: Dec 2001 Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL waterbug_wpb
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Dec 2001
Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL | Our national debt is out of control, our money has only to “good faith of the US” to back it. That leads me to the question "are any nations/countries operating at a surplus?" I would suspect perhaps China, but those figures can be suspect. Iceland? Interesting publication on "public debt by country" Public Debt as % of GDP Suprising that the countries with lowest ratio (debt to GDP) are places I don't really want to live: Iran Algeria Botswana Estonia The worst debt ratios look like: Italy Belgium Cyprus Greece (no suprise here) Grenada (dang, cause that's a cool place to visit) Japan (oops) Portugal makes one wonder..... The 'developed' nations have the highest debt/GDP ratios... So our lifestyle has put us way in the hole... Let's go back to huts!
Last edited by waterbug_wpb; 10/25/16 09:21 AM.
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283704 10/26/16 03:12 PM 10/26/16 03:12 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | I want to thank Todd, Chumlee, the long lost Sparky, Carl, K-Lube, femalegenitalia-‘n’-Paste Schwartz and all the rest of you RINO/teabagger/alt-right denizens of the fever swamp you claim is conservative politics for your hard work that made it possible to elect the first woman president of the United States.
I do realize the election is a few days off but the media, that is totally controlled by the “democraps”, have taken control of every voting place in every church, basement and garage in America to insure a landslide that goes well beyond anything seen in modern history. Unless you count all of Putin’s elections of course. The only thing in doubt is how far the Senate will go Dem. We may see a new SCOTUS justice before the end of the year.
Your good works have metastasized into Trump, a person who has garnered descriptive words like racist, pathological liar, con artist, misogynist, birther, raging xenophobe and sexual predator. And let’s not forget his calls to incite political violence, the straight-up dictator move of threatening to arrest his opponents and blocking minorities from voting. Then there’s his debunked theories on international banks plotting the destruction of U.S. sovereignty, a veiled anti-Semitic attack and his claim Ted Cruz’s father conspired with Lee Harvey Oswald. There’s more but you certainly get the idea.
I’m sure many of you were hoping for a different candidate but you got what you deserved because there wasn't one capable or inspiring person in the infamous "Clown Car" lineup. All 16 of the non-Trump entrants were dunces, religious zealots, wimps or tyrants, all equally out of touch with voters. Scott Walker was a lipless sadist who in centuries past would have worn a leather jerkin and thrown dogs off the castle walls for recreation. Marco Rubio was the young rake with debts. Jeb Bush was the last offering in a fast-diminishing hereditary line. Ted Cruz was the Zodiac Killer. And so on.
By the time the other 16 candidates finished their mass-suicide-squad routine, a tail-chasing, sewer-mouthed septuagenarian New Yorker was accepting the nomination of the Family Values Party.
So, great work guys. You’ve made the USA the laughingstock of the rest of the free world. Keep chanting the new GOP mantra, "Grab them by the pussy." It’s gotten you where you are today.
US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283706 10/26/16 07:26 PM 10/26/16 07:26 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | Are you worried about voter fraud Todd? Every right thinking member of the RINO/teabagger/alt-right fringe is. What will you do Todd? What will you do? It's not to late to take action. According to the Little Trump, Pennsylvania is Ground Zero for voter fraud. Jump into your rollin' coal humungo pick-em-up truck and head east to get those lawbreakers under control. But, before you leave you need credentials so you're all legal-like. Go to VoteProtectors.org to get your own personalized badge. It'll make you look like a big deal and scare off the dead people still trying to vote. I took the liberty to get yours printed in advance. You're welcome. US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283708 10/26/16 10:55 PM 10/26/16 10:55 PM |
Joined: Jun 2001 Posts: 493 Minnesota Jeff Peterson
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 493 Minnesota | Do you think that Donald Trump respects any other opinions, other than his own?
(You may get to keep your guns, but only if you are willing to defend HIS opinions.)
Jeff Peterson H-16 Sail #23721 Big Marine Lake, MN
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283711 10/27/16 09:03 AM 10/27/16 09:03 AM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | What are you afraid of today Todd? Did you know there are the 117 suicides in the U.S. each day (in comparison with 43 murders), 129 deaths from accidental drug overdoses, 96 people dying a day in automobile accidents (27 of whom aren't wearing seat belts, not to mention the unspecified amount driving distracted)? Add the 1,315 deaths each day due to smoking, the 890 related to obesity, and all the other preventable deaths from strokes, heart attacks and liver disease, and the message is clear: The biggest thing you have to fear is not a terrorist or a shooter or a deadly home invasion. You are the biggest threat to your own safety. US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283712 10/27/16 09:24 AM 10/27/16 09:24 AM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | One more example of how we control the media Todd.
In its 144-year history, The Yale Record has never endorsed a Democratic candidate for president. In fact, we have never endorsed any candidate for president. This is, in part, due to our strong commitment to being a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization, which mandates that we are “absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.”
This year’s presidential election is highly unusual, but ultimately no different: The Yale Record believes both candidates to be equally un-endorsable, due to our faithful compliance with the tax code.
In particular, we do not endorse Hillary Clinton’s exemplary leadership during her 30 years in the public eye. We do not support her impressive commitment to serving and improving this country—a commitment to which she has dedicated her entire professional career. Because of unambiguous tax law, we do not encourage you to support the most qualified presidential candidate in modern American history, nor do we encourage all citizens to shatter the glass ceiling once and for all by electing Secretary Clinton on November 8.
US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283714 10/27/16 10:14 AM 10/27/16 10:14 AM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | I'm trying to understand you Todd. This may help. Or not.
The American Psychological Association says that 52 percent of American adults are coping with high levels of stress brought on by the election, according to national Harris Poll survey data released last week. Therapists around the country said in interviews that patients are coming to appointments citing their fears, anger and anxiety about the election. (Have you made your appointment Todd?)
To help alleviate this stress, Harvard University Business School professor Deepak Malhotra has outlined how we can move forward as a country. In an article entitled “How to Build an Exit Ramp for Trump Supporters,” Malhotra puts forth a series of suggestions for how to bring Trump’s supporters back into the political mainstream. These suggestions include:
Don’t force them to defend their beliefs. Provide information, and then give them time. Don’t fight bias with bias. Don’t force them to choose between their idea and yours. Help them save face. Give them the cover they need. Let them in.
Malhotra concludes with some levelheaded, patient admonitions:
“Some of the above advice requires that we temper our natural inclinations for how to behave when someone is yelling and screaming or pushing and shoving. It is well worth building this discipline. Of course, not everyone is ready to change their mind. Equally, not all minds can (or need) to be changed. But you will have a much greater likelihood of navigating the path to change if you invest in building an exit ramp. The election of 2016 is as important a time as any to do it.” US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: hobie1616]
#283715 10/27/16 12:13 PM 10/27/16 12:13 PM |
Joined: Mar 2009 Posts: 932 Solomon's Island, MD samc99us
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2009
Posts: 932 Solomon's Island, MD | What are you afraid of today Todd? Did you know there are the 117 suicides in the U.S. each day (in comparison with 43 murders), 129 deaths from accidental drug overdoses, 96 people dying a day in automobile accidents (27 of whom aren't wearing seat belts, not to mention the unspecified amount driving distracted)? Add the 1,315 deaths each day due to smoking, the 890 related to obesity, and all the other preventable deaths from strokes, heart attacks and liver disease, and the message is clear: The biggest thing you have to fear is not a terrorist or a shooter or a deadly home invasion. You are the biggest threat to your own safety. Where in the United States Constitution does it state the government is responsible for protecting its citizens from itself??? Oh wait, your from California and a liberal to boot (what a surprise), maybe the copy of the U.S Constitution didn't make it to you in the same format I received my copy!?!?! Pretty likely, considering California is a damn long way from Washington DC, even further in 1850...explains quite a lot actually. The real question is, how many of you have read the Federalist Papers, or any original documents from the [i]men[i] who founded this country?? They devised the electoral congress specifically to avoid the type of election we are about to have!!! Dumbass Americans who take their cues directly from the media and reality TV should not be allowed to vote!!! Specifically, our delegates are supposed to be smart enough to avoid electing bad presidents...problem is they're paid off too, just like the FBI deputies assigned to Clintons case.. And before you ask, I actually agree with the statements regarding the panel of 16 the GOP found and led to the down selection of Donald Trump as republican nominee. At the same time I cannot vote for a "woman" that is probably, more than likely, the most corrupt person in American politics. Nor can I vote for someone that cheats on her husband and leaves the mister behind to die in the shithole known as Libya. Lets not even talk about leaking classified documents to non-cleared civilians. Your butt would be sitting 5 stories underground sipping water through a cotton bag every 30 seconds if you did the same. So yes, I will be taking my vote third party, in the hopes that they can gain some funding for the next cycle and we can have a slightly less monetarily influenced system of government.
Scorpion F18
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: samc99us]
#283716 10/27/16 12:51 PM 10/27/16 12:51 PM |
Joined: Dec 2001 Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL waterbug_wpb
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Dec 2001
Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL | what I find strangely ironic (if the democratic party secures victory) is that the republican party drew the congressional districts in 2010 to heavily favor their party. I think it still favors republicans almost 2:1 as they are drawn now.
Take a look at your district map(s) and see how crazy the lines are. Not sure how that is meant to ensure the "one man one vote" mantra.
Not that I'm angry at any political party (they're both doing themselves in), but it would seem the real focus should be on the process itself. Rigged? Perhaps... but in this case by the last people who drew the district lines... which in this case was the party in power at the last census (Republican)...
Odd, ain't it?
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#283717 10/27/16 02:48 PM 10/27/16 02:48 PM |
Joined: Mar 2009 Posts: 932 Solomon's Island, MD samc99us
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2009
Posts: 932 Solomon's Island, MD | Its really no surprise if you follow human history....thou who is in power shall stay in power...most people don't remember that America was founded on getting away from tyrannical dictators and monarchs, and the reality is that is exactly what we have! First the Bush dynasty and then the Clinton dynasty. Its pathetic and frankly disgusting, but the best thing you can do is vote for congressmen and women, as well as further down the ballot that actually believe in the constitution and don't take money from lobbyists.
Scorpion F18
| | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: samc99us]
#283720 10/27/16 10:23 PM 10/27/16 10:23 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | Where in the United States Constitution does it state the government is responsible for protecting its citizens from itself??? Do you mean themselves? Oh wait, your from California and a liberal to boot (what a surprise), Yes. West Maui is just south of North Hollywood. US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: samc99us]
#283722 10/28/16 09:52 AM 10/28/16 09:52 AM |
Joined: Dec 2001 Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL waterbug_wpb
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Dec 2001
Posts: 5,590 Naples, FL | Its really no surprise if you follow human history....thou who is in power shall stay in power... So I guess we're wasting all this air arguing stuff (candidates, issues, etc) when it's highly unlikely that anything will change... maybe being fatalistic will allow more time for hobbies rather than all this discussion?
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