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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287933
09/27/17 07:53 PM
09/27/17 07:53 PM
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Is this the bar Todd hangs out in? If not, it will be.

Reefpoint Brew House co-owner suggests killing kneeling NFL players in Facebook comment

RACINE — A co-owner of a popular lakefront restaurant advocated for the killing of kneeling NFL players in a Facebook comment posted Monday, according to multiple screenshots circulating on social media.

The owners of Reefpoint Brew House, 2 Christopher Columbus Causeway, acknowledged the comment from fellow co-owner John Valko in a statement released on their Facebook page Tuesday evening.

In the comment, which has been deleted but appears as a screenshot multiple times in the comments on the statement, Valko advocates for the killing of NFL players who kneel during the national anthem before games, something more than 200 players did Sunday.

“Kill the idiot players,” Valko wrote. “Execute them. They are nothing but garbage. The league is screwed up if they think it is their right. It is their duty to respect our country and our flag. They should go kneel in front of a freight train. Shame on these stupid misfits of society. They need to die.”

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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287945
09/30/17 10:59 AM
09/30/17 10:59 AM
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It’s wrong to do it in the streets; it’s wrong to do it in the tweets.

You cannot do it on the field; you cannot do it if you’ve kneeled.

And don’t do it if you’re rich, you ungrateful son of a bitch.

Because there’s one thing that’s a fact; you cannot protest while you’re black

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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287946
10/01/17 08:26 PM
10/01/17 08:26 PM
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... cheap cracker.

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Re: Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287956
10/04/17 04:03 PM
10/04/17 04:03 PM
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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287957
10/04/17 11:52 PM
10/04/17 11:52 PM
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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287967
10/05/17 07:54 PM
10/05/17 07:54 PM
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Is Trump Really a 'Moron,' as Tillerson Said, or Just Racist and Obnoxious?

Stupidity is one of the more easily accessible and widespread explanations for Trump’s behavior. It’s no coincidence, of course, that his election resurrected the futuristic cult classic “Idiocracy’ about a dumbed down America that chooses a loutish porn actor as president. It’s true that Trump has claimed in the past that his IQ is much higher than that of Obama or of comedian John Stewart, but in that case, he’s doing an excellent job of concealing his intelligence, as his visit this week to Puerto Rico showed.

Some people ascribe Trump’s behavior in such events to obnoxious racism rather than stupidity. Prejudice and racial stereotypes are such a prominent feature of his personality, they maintain, that he just can’t keep them under lock. He has described himself as ‘the least racist person ever,” but since he launched his presidential run by describing Mexican immigrants as rapists and murderers, Trump has described Puerto Ricans as lazy, Muslims as wannabe terrorists, African-Americans as thugs, Jews as proficient with money and women as inferior sexual objects. It’s only among neo-Nazis, apparently, that Trump has found “some fine people.”

Others cite Trump’s sensational victory in the elections – assuming that it wasn’t all the result of a Russian sting operation – as proof of his political smarts. According to this view, all of Trump’s scandals, controversies, insults and inanities are but a ploy aimed at rallying his base, first to win the elections and then as leverage against the unruly Republican Party. Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, Trump is a smart guy pretending to be a dunce. If that’s true, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should be worried by Barak Ravid’s report on Wednesday that Trump told the United Nations' secretary general that the prime minister is more problematic that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. If Trump is a “moron,” on the other hand, as Tillerson testified, then his words about Netanyahu should be taken as seriously as his assertions about Obama’s birth certificate, his support for Marine Le Pen in the French elections and his praise for the homicidal Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, who will have the privilege of hosting Trump next month.

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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287968
10/05/17 10:10 PM
10/05/17 10:10 PM
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27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

Get your copy today!

The consensus view of two dozen psychiatrists and psychologists that Trump is dangerously mentally ill and that he presents a clear and present danger to the nation and our own mental health.

This is not normal.

Since the start of Donald Trump’s presidential run, one question has quietly but urgently permeated the observations of concerned citizens: What is wrong with him? Constrained by the American Psychiatric Association’s “Goldwater rule,” which inhibits mental health professionals from diagnosing public figures they have not personally examined, many of those qualified to answer this question have shied away from discussing the issue at all. The public has thus been left to wonder whether he is mad, bad, or both.

In THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD TRUMP, twenty-seven psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health experts argue that, in Mr. Trump’s case, their moral and civic “duty to warn” America supersedes professional neutrality. They then explore Trump’s symptoms and potentially relevant diagnoses to find a complex, if also dangerously mad, man.

Philip Zimbardo and Rosemary Sword, for instance, explain Trump’s impulsivity in terms of “unbridled and extreme present hedonism.” Craig Malkin writes on pathological narcissism and politics as a lethal mix. Gail Sheehy, on a lack of trust that exceeds paranoia. Lance Dodes, on sociopathy. Robert Jay Lifton, on the “malignant normality” that can set in everyday life if psychiatrists do not speak up.

His madness is catching, too. From the trauma people have experienced under the Trump administration to the cult-like characteristics of his followers, he has created unprecedented mental health consequences across our nation and beyond.

Has Todd contracted the madness?

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Re: Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #287997
10/16/17 01:00 AM
10/16/17 01:00 AM
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I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!

Popular Vote Loser News [Re: phill] #287998
10/17/17 09:43 PM
10/17/17 09:43 PM
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What is the difference between Todd and Trump?

"... the reason we have a president increasingly isolated, ever more deranged, legislatively impotent, diplomatically catastrophic, and constitutionally dangerous, is not just because he is a ****ing moron requiring an adult day-care center to avoid catastrophe daily. It’s because he’s a reactionary fantasist, whose policies stir the emotions but are stalled in the headwinds of reality.

They are the unhinged fantasies of a 71-year-old Fox News viewer imagining he can reconstruct the late 1950s."

Answer - Age.

Andrew Sullivan: Trump’s Mindless Nihilism

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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #288000
10/19/17 02:00 PM
10/19/17 02:00 PM
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Popular Vote Loser News [Re: hobie1616] #288001
10/19/17 07:50 PM
10/19/17 07:50 PM
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Donald is a tortured soul

Who doesn't know how to console.

Kelly fed him words to say;

They didn't come out the right way.

Donald couldn't play his part:

He couldn't say them from the heart.

He only made the widow cry.

Then afterwards he tried to lie,

Claiming that he had not said

The very phrases that he read

From the script he was provided.

The whole maneuver was misguided.

Kelly speaking to the press

Tried to clean up Donald's mess

But it too then went awry,

For it proved Trump told a lie.

That Trump should lie is not bizarre:

Just think about the fake Renoir.

Lies are his modus operandi,

Always ready, always handy.

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Post-Trump de-Nazification [Re: hobie1616] #288005
10/20/17 08:40 PM
10/20/17 08:40 PM
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Post-Trump, the country needs its own, domestic version of the de-Nazification program established in Germany after World War II, an inquiry into how so many alleged neo-Nazi, white-supremacist sympathizers had input into this presidency, and their connection with neo-Nazi and nativist movements overseas. Trump has legitimized the hate militias like no president ever before, one of his many blighting legacies and perhaps his most lasting. The domestic threat posed by white-supremacist militias and other violent extremists armed to the steel teeth has been minimized by Republicans, who, jerked around by their Fox News puppet masters, prefer fulminating against Black Lives Matter and antifa street fighters. But white people’s grievances are always given precedence, reflecting the racial makeup of newsrooms and corporate hierarchies.


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Lyin' Donnie [Re: hobie1616] #288008
10/23/17 05:45 PM
10/23/17 05:45 PM
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In 263 days, President Trump has made 1,318 false and misleading claims

OCT 8 2017
“Senator Bob Corker 'begged' me to endorse him for re-election in Tennessee. I said 'NO' and he dropped out (said he could not win without my endorsement.”
Todd Womack, Corker's chief of staff, disputed each of the claims the president made in his tweets. Trump called Corker early last week and asked him to reconsider his decision not to seek reelection, according to Womack. He said the president also reaffirmed that he would have endorsed Corker had he decided to run again — which, Womack added, was not the first time that Trump had extended such an offer of support.

OCT 8 2017
“Our country has been unsuccessfully dealing with North Korea for 25 years, giving billions of dollars & getting nothing. Policy didn't work!
Under the Bill Clinton accord with North Korea, between 1995 and 2003 the United States spent about $400 million supplying the fuel oil to North Korea that was required under the deal. An international consortium spent about $2.5 billion to replace the North’s plutonium reactor with two light-water reactors; the project was not completed before the deal collapsed by the money mostly went to South Korean and Japanese companies, not North Korea. The United States stopped paying food assistance to North Korea after 2011, with the exception of $1 million in humanitarian aid in January 2017 that was negotiated by outgoing Secretary of State John Kerry just before Trump was inaugurated. Total food assistance since 1995 was about $700 million. George W. Bush in 2007-2008 provided about $150 million in fuel oil when engaged in negotiations.

There's a lot more...

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Trump Tower [Re: hobie1616] #288016
10/29/17 02:29 PM
10/29/17 02:29 PM
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DO SOMETHING! [Re: hobie1616] #288021
10/30/17 10:48 AM
10/30/17 10:48 AM
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Doin' God's Work [Re: hobie1616] #288038
11/06/17 10:12 PM
11/06/17 10:12 PM
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Hans Fiene, a Lutheran pastor who is also a regular contributor to the right-wing website The Federalist, has written a new column in which he explains that allowing 26 people to die at the hands of a crazed gunman at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, this weekend was actually God’s way of answering their prayers. [...]

He then explains to liberals that it was part of God’s plan that over two dozen people would get shot up while in their own house of worship. [...]

“So when a madman with a rifle sought to persecute the faithful at First Baptist Church on Sunday morning, he failed,” Fiene says. “Just like those who put Christ to death, and just like those who have brought violence to believers in every generation, this man only succeeded in being the means through which God delivered his children from this evil world into an eternity of righteousness and peace.”

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Jared Grabs Some [Re: hobie1616] #288046
11/09/17 11:25 AM
11/09/17 11:25 AM
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Honka, honka?

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Gross Roy Moore [Re: hobie1616] #288050
11/13/17 09:54 PM
11/13/17 09:54 PM
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Our view: Roy Moore grossly unfit for office
By Editorial Board
on November 13, 2017 at 4:23 PM, updated November 13, 2017 at 4:51 PM

Roy Moore simply cannot be a U.S. Senator. Even if his party and many of its adherents still think it possible, it is unthinkable -- for his state, and his country.

Last week, four women described Moore's unseemly taste for dating high school girls when he was a single man in his 30s. Another described what can only be seen as a sexual assault on her when she was 14. In a radio interview last week, Moore himself suggested that he may have dated teenage women during his 30s, though he vehemently denied the claims made by these women.

Today, even as those women face disgusting attacks on their motives and credibility, a fifth brave Alabama woman stepped forward and described how when she was 16, Moore violently sexually assaulted her in his car. She said she felt it to be an attempted rape, and that it ended with her bruised from either falling from or being pushed from the car, with Moore warning her he was a powerful man and that no one would believe her if she told anyone.

The seriousness of these incidents cannot be overstated. They should not be parsed with talk of statutes of limitations or whether proof exists. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is a consideration for the courtroom, not the ballot box. When choosing our representative before the rest of the world, character matters.

Nor should these women's statements be diminished because the incidents are decades old. If readers objectively look at the reality of life for sex assault victims - at the public doubt and vitriol they face - they'll understand why girls and women do not come forward readily, or early.

And sadly, the reactions of many over the past several days support modern understanding of women's reluctance to voice these things. They stayed quiet while Moore ascended in local and state politics, but they have spoken out as he seems on the verge of attaining national office. For that, Alabama and America owe them respect and appreciation.

We believe these women.

As a news organization, we have independently investigated as many of these claims as possible and have found no reason to doubt the accounts outlined in the Washington Post. If anything, the stories we've heard in Etowah County have only further corroborated them.

In our view, Moore has already revealed himself as grossly unfit to be a U.S. Senator before these revelations.

He has been twice-removed from statewide office for his defiance of the law. His views on women's rights, same-sex marriage and religious freedom no longer reflect the majority of Alabamians. And they are incompatible with the governance of this country. He has said that the murderous 9/11 attacks on America and the tragic school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut may have been God's will because America had sinned.

Investigations into Moore's nonprofit the Foundation of Moral Law, have revealed a man who champions himself above all else. Above Alabamians. And, yes, above God. Moore has used his platform to personally enrich himself and his family and to pursue his own, radical agenda.

As each day passes, more Republicans, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Sen. Lindsay Graham, Louisiana's Senator Bill Cassidy, and many others, have stated Roy Moore simply cannot be a U.S. Senator.

It's time that he and his party read the writing on the wall: His candidacy is over. His true character has been revealed. It's time for the GOP to remove its official support.

And since he and his party can't assure it, the voters of Alabama must.

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Re: Gross Roy Moore [Re: Todd_Sails] #288055
11/16/17 11:41 PM
11/16/17 11:41 PM
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"many others, have stated Roy Moore simply cannot be a U.S. Senator."
What a load of rubbish, of course he can. He is perfectly qualified.

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but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!

Spectacular Accumulation of Lies [Re: phill] #288056
11/17/17 01:00 PM
11/17/17 01:00 PM
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Lies on disclosure forms. Lies at confirmation hearings. Lies on Twitter. Lies in the White House briefing room. Lies to the FBI. Self-protective lies by the attorney general. Blocking and tackling lies by Vice President Pence. This is, with a few exceptions, a group of people for whom truth, political honor, ethics and integrity mean nothing.

What are the implications? President Trump and others in his administration are about to be hit by a legal tidal wave. We look at the Russia scandal and see lies. A skilled prosecutor sees leverage. People caught in criminal violations make more cooperative witnesses. Robert S. Mueller III and his A-team of investigators have plenty of stupidity and venality to work with. They are investigating an administration riven by internal hatreds — also the prosecutor’s friend. And Trump has already alienated many potential allies in a public contest between himself and Mueller. A number of elected Republicans, particularly in the Senate, would watch this showdown with popcorn.

But the implications of all this are not only legal and political. We are witnessing what happens when right-wing politics becomes untethered from morality and religion.

The Russia investigation’s spectacular accumulation of lies

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