Originally Posted by John Williams
But Matt, you know that I have no Olympic aspirations and further I am quite capable of disconnecting my personal preferences from the issue. I wish everyone could.

I have seen every 120kg team regret their decision to go light on every 16-foot spin boat except the Hobie 16. First to de-power loses. It takes 140-150kg to make the high-aspect and grunty main/spin combo work.

I distinctly recall that Tradewinds several years ago when you and I sailed together at the weight where we could legally run either the big or small sails on the F18. I lobbied for the big sails thinking we could man-it-up. I have no doubt that we would have fared better with the small jib and spin that weekend. The weight issue is usually made a bigger deal than it truly is on any platform and I see examples of it all the time when racing A-cats....a boat that should be more weight sensitive than any others - but isn't.

Jake Kohl