All members:

Voting is now open to all owners of F16 catamarans in respect of 3 currently proposed rule amendments for 2008. The voting will be completed at the AGM in Zandvoort during August this year. If any amendments are carried they will be in force for 2008.

To vote:

1. Log into the F16 Public forum at

F16 Public Forum

2. Register your details

3. Once approved you will be granted access to the voting area

4. There are three ballots at present, you may only vote once in each ballot

5. Please note that this is a public vote and therefore your vote will be visible to other voters (this is just as it would be if a vote were held at an AGM)

6. Any discussion on the merits of any ballot item may be held here on Catsailor but please note that the current wording of each ballot will not be amended. You may only Agree/Disagree with each ballot.

Thank you.

John Alani,
ex-Secretary, F16 Governing Council