Sorry I forgot to mention my sail is a Glaser, not an Alter Cup Glaser but about the same cut I'm told. If you look at that picture of #705 above, you see with no down-haul on, it touches the boom. Mine is about 6" above my boom with no downhaul.

Robi, I'm not sure if our sails were the biger factor in that light wind, I think I got a couple lucky zyphers of air. Be glad you are not here today, even less wind! Complete glass across the lake most of the day. Now at 6pm there is about what we had, being caused by remnants of a far off Tstorm.

How are you guys measuring your rake? Both my trap lines are too short to reach either the transom or the forward bridal attachments. Do you just add a short piece of line (or as Robi likes me to say, ROPE <img src="" alt="" />) to your traps to measure?

Last edited by Timbo; 07/20/07 05:16 PM.

Blade F16