Leech tell tales are the best when you're winning. However, the majority of us don't win.... So if I were you I would concentrate on the more important things first. ie starts, clear wind, boat handling, Then look at exact /precise tunning!!!
What's the point of having near perfect sail shape if you can't start on time, tack, gybe or mark round smoothly.
I'm sorry if I'm coming across a bit shirty but lets be fair you've got to pick up a feel for the overall boat not just pick at certain areas. What I'm trying to say (after a few drinks) is that it's a matter of feel for the WHOLE boat. Sailing is after all a form of mental masturbation.

I hear you. I am trying to get a feel for the whole boat and honestly it feels a little "bound up" unless the upper leech telltales are flying. However, when I went out today I didn't have too much of a problem without them.
I haven't had the patience to set up drills for myself. I get nervous using nav aids to practice roundings (crunch crunch and all). So mostly I concentrate on boat speed and have been practicing tacks and gybes. Starts are obviously very important- esp if racing in an open class where there will be plenty of bigger boats which would create bad wind for a "small" boat like mine. It is hard to get that practice without actually racing and there haven't been any races recently.