Something for the F16 technical committee :

Over at Sailing anarchy they are discussing the conclusions concerning full foiling.

Steve Clark (Cogito C-class) wrote :

Steve Clark


I would suggest that the tests were pretty conclusive.
Look at the daily polars at Ccats,ca and note that Rocker was never faster than the other boats.
This with a wing, hulls identical to Alpha and excellent sailors aboard.
The test was a success n that it proved that a foil configuration like this would not be faster than Alpha.
If I were Paul Paterson, Clive Everest and Roger Angell, I would take a very hard look at my numbers in order to determine what about my foil plans would be MANY percent better than those on Rocker.
If anything is to happen beyond this, the foils would need to be drastically re-thought, which would necessitate removing them anyway.
So why not during the event to find out how good the boat was WITHOUT the foils.
All good stuff.

So making full foiling work is not as easy that a throrougly dedicated C-class team (who also made the victorious Alpha !) could get it to perform better then a plain old displacement hull.

This is an indication of what to expect to F16's. I know full foiling has been banned in our rules already but the fear may have been premature.

I think we should note this down for future reference.

Additional info is found in this discussion on sailing anarchy :

And here some addition info on a unrelated project coming to the same conclusions :



Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands