
... but I'm interested in knowing how F16 Sailors feel about the future of the Class. ...

I think the future of the F16 class is to continue to be the F16 class. It was formed on some sound scientific considerations and an appreciation of the situation were our target group is finding themselves. I.e. sailors looking for a versatile recreational racer and/or a versatile boat for high performance pleasure sailing.

Therefor the goal and path of the F16 class are clear and it shouldn't matter much at all who produces F16 boats to forfill the F16 demand. Or on who joins or who leaves.

Good point. If you consider that the value proposition of a class involves some combination of the merits of the boat itself and the benefits of being able to sail with lots of others of the same class (the "network effect"), I would say that for the F16 that balance leans a little more towards the merits of the boat itself than it may for some other classes. Of course growth is good and we should pursue it, but as far as my own enjoyment is concerned I've been perfectly happy sailing (until late last season) as the solitary F16 in a fleet of N20/F18/F17/Tornados.