The A-cats are excellent boats. It is very understandable to have your thoughts drifting that way. If that class is suiting your mindset better then by all means go for it.

If you want to homebuild an A then I can assure you that the available building plans for A's are alot less complete and alot more dated then the F16 plans. Building a 75 kg timber A-cat to min weight will be alot more challenging then building a F16 down to weight.

But maybe we have another solution. Considering you feel so passionate about a carbon mast and having it replace the aluminium one then why not do exactly that ?

Order 2 carbon masts from Stealthmarine (after getting a definate price quote) and ship the alu masts back to catamaranparts where they are sold off as secondhand. Sure you'll loose some money in the proces, but building c.q. buying a complete new A-cat will cost lots more.

Or better still, sell your alu masts to the Norwegians and Swedes. There is a Swedish Taipan owner who bend his mast when his boat tipped over in a blow. You guys will meet in the spring time for a Scandinavia F16 regatta right ? Maybe the perfect opportunity for selling off your alu masts while getting some good return of investment. Then you can order the carbon masts and be happy again. I'm sure Rolf is interested in the mast, if not his friend who ordered a new F16 design but that still needs to be shipped to him. Removing the mast shipping costs may well be attractive to him.

It's an idea.


Last edited by Wouter; 04/13/08 07:54 AM.

Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands