No real problem with the boat, this time we hooked on and took off straight out to sea but took a while to get organised, once organised we really took off jumping waves that just kept getting bigger, we pulled one of the downhaul pulleys of the mast but were still able to pull it on once we took up the slack. We pulled out because I couldn't figure out how to power it down enough to not jump of one wave into the middle of the next wave and get half washed off. We should have gone in the race but didnt realise the course was more sheltered in shore and the waves that really hit us were further out than the course. Once packed up and in the bar it struck us as we watched you just how far out we had gone, I remember looking way in shore at the start boat on our way in and we wouldn't have had to race in the bigger waves. I'm learning more each time and this time I was in control and didn't come close to tipping, the video I took of us was pretty dramatic to look at and shows me how I can improve alot. See you next month.
regards Jeff

Jeff Southall
Current boats
Nacra 5.8 1703 Animal Scanning Services
Nacra 5.8 1667 Ram Raider
Nacra 18 Square
Arrow 1576