
I believe Ben Hall made it quite clear that he didn't know what the wing sail was going to do and nobody in the class jumped and banned it. I don't recall anyone (with any real information) claiming it was going to kill the class. Same thing with the foiling C-class...it certainly had a buzz around it but everyone knew that it was new and there were going to be teething problems. This is the normal progression of things.

I look at instances like this and really feel good about the way the class is running things. They don't jump to conclusions; they didn't shout and have a knee-jerk reaction to Ben's wing...they let it play out. They're very likely going to do the same thing here...let the bannana foil either prove itself or not. The class will decide something only when there is enough information to decide something.

Does not sound like a class that is "Scared shitless of any REAL development."