From the email from Gary Jobson above, looks like the T's will be on A course Tuesday and be covered...now does Tuesday mean in China & Monday in the USA? Guess I'll have to watch to be sure!

Gary Jobson is an idiot (whoops, did I say that out loud? <img src="http://www.catsailor.com/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />)

All the medal races are on the Alpha course.

The Laser Men / Women's medal races are Tuesday.
The RS:X Men / Women's medal race are Wednesday.
The Star and Tornado medal races are Thursday.

No T's on TV until Thursday.

Qingdao is 12 hours ahead of Eastern time, 9 hours ahead of Pacific time. It's Tuesday there already.

PU is running Course E, correct? Meaning, he is not just running races for Tornados, but all fleets that have rotated through Course E over the whole regatta?

Wasn't there some big issue about the T-class only wanting PU to run their races? Seems like someone else would be running them when they're on Course A.


The RO's generally stay with their classes, not with a specific course. PU was assigned the 49er's, Stars and Tornados. When the 49er's overlapped with the Stars and T's, they went to another RO (Luigi for the medal race).

PU has had a lot of problems with his crew and equipment.

Here's PU's report from Sunday's extreme races:
On our course we had 18 to 22 all day from the East.

On the way out to the course, against the wind and waves, we took on a lot of water and were sinking. We being the signal boat. Anyway, we were about five miles up the course when we discovered about a foot of water in each hull. In the bow down, stern up position, we looked like a submarine in the dive mode.

Needless to say we did some serious bailing, turned downwind and headed for the harbour with L, Star and Tornado flags flying. We made in and took another signal boat that was on a lay day.

AP was hoisted ashore and dropped at 1200.

My driver was so scared he would only go 2 knots back to the course. This sparked some rather colorfull language from the short, fat, bald man[=PU].

When we got back to the area all the competetors were waiting, We arrived with 16 minutes to the new scheduled start, anchored with 170 meters of chain/line and got into the sequence. Unfortunely we had to AP because of visability. The rain squalls were brutal. After it cleared somewhat we noticed that the pin boat was favored. Guess who was drifting. 20 meter depth. 170 meters of chain and line and we were drifting. We then ran ito the problem of not being able to raise the anchor. Won't go into it, just to say we drifted about 7/10th of a mile. By the time we got back into racing mode, the wind had shifted 90 degrees.
I will spare you the rest,but we did get in one race wherein two Stars broke masts. One of the gates drifted, etc.

Our signal boathas been retired. (There will be a burial ceremony as soon as we can find a stick of dynamite)