Originally Posted by Tony_F18
The best thing to do obviously is to avoid it.
What works best IMHO is to just ask them directly by waving or do "the stare".

And, there's nothing wrong with politely asking "will you let me tack?". In many such situtations, staying together is actually disavantageous for both boats - especially if they are in different classes. I know I'd rather have a boat that outpoints me off of my lee-bow and would probably wave her across.

Here is a (slighly different, but still illustrative) case in point. At Spring Fever a few years back, I was sailing downwind on starboard tack behind and to leeward of a Hobie 16. I wanted to sail farther before gybing, but would either have to sail through his shadow or fight to roll him. I could tell by the way he kept looking back that he wanted to gybe. So I called out "do you want to gybe?". He said yes and I told him to go ahead. He gybed; I sailed past his stern - we both came out ahead. Encounters on the water don't always have to be hostile.
