Originally Posted by David Ingram
Originally Posted by pepin

Anyway, I find the f18 crews generally more aggressive. In my experience there are more skippers there willing to push the rules a little bit to gain any advantage, especially if it is just fouling an irrelevant boat from some other class they are not directly competing against. To make matter worse, due to their minimum weight, those boats are overbuild and build like tanks. A side sweep by one of those is going to cut any F16 in two. I would not take the risk.

Dude, seriously NOT cool! To imply that F18 sailors are more agressive and rule benders and hunting F16's simply because we sail an F18 is total rubbish! I think you'll find all classes large and small will have aggressive rule benders and it's not unique the F18 sailors. As for hunting F16's... don't you need a permit for that?

Also fouling someone and not doing a turn (I'm assuming that's your implication) is a douche move in any class and not unique to the F18 class. Now if you're saying that an F18 exercised their rights for no tactical advantage again a bit of douche move but again not unique to the F18 class.

We get it and we get it and we get it! Our boats are heavy! Do you seriously think that F18 sailors are thinking that because our boats are over built we will win a contest of contact... come on now... seriously!?

We really aren't out to get you... really... well, maybe.

More Haters Dave,
just give up, get an A cat and let Kathy sip fruity drinks on the beach! smile

The men were amazed, and said, "What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" Matthew 8:27