Originally Posted by Undecided
But I propose to get back to the topic as this isn't really about F16's

Someone check downstairs. I think it hath frozen over!

Hath, or Hoth? Unless global warming has ramped up on Hoth I think we're ok. smile

Pete- you'd f-ing die on an F16 if it got rough. If I were the organizers I wouldn't allow a single hand boat, and you'll get pounded to death with two people on a short platform.

I'm not a huge fan of handicap racing. To my way of thinking it should be a run what ya brung kind of format. If boat "A" slides across the finish line first, boat "A" should be the winner of that race/leg, not boat "J" that finished however much later, but won because it has a different rating. I can't say whether or not this would invite more people to the Tybee, or if its even a good idea to bring more people to the Tybee. The last thing you want is people like me out there clutching to half a boat and needing rescue, just because they brought the wrong tool for the job. you want honest competitiors, not people doing it just for fun if it. Competitors prepare better

[disclaimer]Karl B. has not done any distance racing, does not intend to do any real distance racing, and is potentially talking out his butt[/disclaimer] whistle