Here's a thought for you guys with non-sailing wives (like me) who might need a little -help- with new boat purchase approval.

30 years ago I flew for a charter company out of Boston. The owner wanted to buy a Lear Jet. Just like us with our boats, you can -never- have enough airplanes!

Anyway, his business partner (wife) said the same thing our wives say when we try to justify a new boat. So he says, "It's for YOU honey! So we can fly to our winter house in Sarasota in 3 hours instead of wasting a whole day on the Airlines."

But here's the part you need to put in your play book, "I'll name it after YOU!"

Well, nobody puts "names" on their Lear Jet, (this ain't WW2) so instead he put their wedding anniversary date on the tail as the official FAA Registered Tail Number: 856JB, which stood for Aug. 1956, John and Bernice.

So next time you want a new boat (or just a new mainsail?) tell her you are going to;

1: name the boat after her or
2: put your anniversary as the sail number.

Hey, it's worth a shot.

Blade F16