I think foiling is a dead end for cats, but I love to see people tinkering with it trying to make the technology work well around the course in a cat configuration. If somebody makes it work well enough to beat a Tornado around the course, I would say "lets go!". Preferably with the current aesthetic looks.

Reason I think it is a dead end: Power to weight ratio is not large enough on the common beachcat to give best performance around a course. (I am very narrow minded, thinking about racing only, I admit that)

I have heard anectdotes like taipanfc gives about moth speeds relative to cats, but I have still not heard about a "grugde match" where moths were faster around the course. I dont doubt that the moths can be faster, just never seen any non-biased reports of top moth sailors racing top cat sailors on the Tornado or similar and beating the T? Or M20 or any similar really high-perf racing cat.