Originally Posted by TeamChums
I've been sitting back reading all this and feel I need to finally chime in. I've been in close contact with John Webster on this since early last summer. Some rules are still to be ironed out as far as requirements. It's not a "sign up and you can come do it" type of event. ALL sailors will have to "prove" thier capabilities either through a resume or by references. Chase boats aren't completely designated yet. There may be a power chase boat. I told John about this thread. I'm sure he will respond sooner or later but all questions will probably be answered on or through the official website.
So, all you "armchair sailors" trying to decide who's going to pay the "rescue bills" should relax and suck your chests back in before you have a stroke. More details will be addressed as soon as possible. If you don't have the skills or experience to do this type of event, maybe think twice before you keep posting some of your "expert opinions".
Wondering about safety equipment? I'm not the one who wrote the rules but I'm betting on EPirbs, GPS, strobes, flares, Sat Phones (although we have hit and miss results with them, even the race organizer has had a bad experience with one), compass, charts, safety teather with quick release. These are some of the things we use in the Tybee and GT and have come to know and trust them. No reason not to require them here.
Some of you who are ACTUALLY going to do this event can pm me and I'll give you my number if you want to talk to someone about this to get anymore insight.

WOW there cowboy, let me tell you something. First of all I aint no arm chair sailor. Ive done my fair share of distance racing, solo and crewed. My resume isnt as extensive as some folks here, but I understands the rigors behind it all.
Secondly I have a much longer resume than anyone on this site or even the sailors in rescue operations. My intent with this thread was to open the eyes of those who think this is a jump across a puddle.

My concern is the newbie sailors who will expose themselves to a uncertain playing field and the race organizers who let such newbies in the game.

When you understand the logistics, cost, man power and LIVES it takes to search for anyone you will understand. TILL THEN dont you call anyone here arm chair sailors. And NO I WILL NOT suck my chest back because you feel the need to say so. If something were to happen its THOUSANDS of miles of a search area, read my other posts and even the home brewed map I created.

You have a lot of nerve to post what you just posted, specially saying "There MAY (just MAY) be chase boats, what kind of chase boats and what is there range?

Seriously do you have any idea what this race entails?
The risk vs gain to me is just not worth it. I wish the best to all the sailor. I can tell you thing for sure is, I will be very worried when this event goes down, not only for the sailors but for the folks who put there lives on the line to help others.

Seeing how the FL straights is in our area of operations (AOR) USCG I will make sure my high command is very aware of what is going on and I will suggest a higher alert.