that's an interesting thought Mark. I am sitting here thinking how neat that would be to get some big number one design fleets going and at first glance I was intrigued by your suggestion. That is, until I think about what would happen if my club decided to only support G-cat 5.0s and Supercat 20s. What if I round up 5 Nacra 6.0NAs to show up at the Outback Cup (which is an event that our club helps to organize) but we find that we have to be scored as part of a large open fleet and we get our butts handed to us by a Wave with a hooter.

Perhaps if it were that if there are three or less of one kind of boat they go to the open class. Four or better would still constitute a class to be scored individually. Wait, that's what we are supposed to be doing right? But nobody does it. Seems we have already ordered all these trophies and (wasn't that you?) they go ahead and score and award those classes even if the required boats don't show.

O.K. here's my point (I'll stop the babble; promise). I think you have hit on an interesting and valid topic. How do we move closer toward one design fleets? I agree that we can do it within our existing system by being a little more strict about how we are scoring regattas. But then that leads to regional boat preferences...G-cats here in middle S.C., Nacras in Michigan, Waves in southern FL, etc. Is it really possible to attack this issue?

Jake Kohl